Monday 16 June 2014

Cover Love: Upcoming!

As I've been adding sequels to my TBR I have seen some gorgeous covers I just had to share!

Captive by Aimee Carter
I loved Pawn and that had a gorgeous cover so I'm pleased that Captive is just as lovely. I like that it's brighter as well

This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Another series with gorgeous covers. This Shattered World shares the outreached linked hands of the couple with These Broken Stars but it is again brighter and the characters are dressed very differently. Looking forward to this book as it seems more of a companion then a sequel.

Tribute by Ellen Renner.
This cover caught my eye in the library as it reminds me of the redesign for The Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce. I look how bold it is and the font.

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas.
I really love the UK covers and how all of them have a white background and then an interpretation of  Celaena surrounded by colour. They look so striking!

What are your favourite covers at the moment?

Much Love!


  1. Love these! This Shattered World cver looks so pretty, and I also like Heir of Fire!

    1. This Shattered World series has such gorgeous covers!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Wow, Love the cover of Captive. This is the first time I'm seeing it!!

    1. Glad I could introduce you to it :)
      Thanks for stopping by!


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